G – Go to it

“Go to it… Ask not what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive and go to it, because the worlds needs more people who have come alive.”

Yesterday was the final installment of Amy’s 7 Notes on Life, but my day was full of back to back family commitments (all amazing), and by the time I realized it was the end of day seven, it was time to rest my head.

The final note is Go to It.

And for Amy it is all about going to what makes you come alive.

I can say, today, I have gone to it.  Over the last 24 hours, I have watched my son play hockey, saw my daughter interact with her team at karate, shared a moment with my second family at my part time gig, spent a couple hours with my family, siblings, mom and kids celebrating and had an amazing night reconnecting with someone who has been absent for a little bit.

I have, without a doubt, found all the important things in my life that make me come alive.

Laughing, loving, planning, celebrating, being in the moment, sharing those intimate moments that cannot be duplicated.

In my 41st year, I am, alive.

And I am so extremely thankful for Amy’s Life Notes. It may be a little magical, maybe me beckoning the lovely, it could be trusting the connection in others, me doing what I know I need to do, treasuring the empty space that is granted once and a while, figuring out shit as it happens and definitely, going to what brings me fireworks and joy.

I have enjoyed honouring Ms. Krouse Rosenthal; the world is a better place because of her.  Her words brought me clarity when I needed it; and for that, I am thankful.


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